
Hey there......where have you been I've been waiting on you! ...thats probably what you have been thinking about us updating our blog. Sorry I am horrible at this. Well what have we been up to since the district convention. Not to much.......this is where our crew is currently been working. This is the shipping/ literature warehouse. We have been working on the loading dock and the road and retaining wall in front.
 Here Aaron and some of the brothers on our crew are setting the caps on the retaining wall. Just so you know what I (krystal) have been up to on all of this, I formed and finished the caps and there is a drain that is right in front of the loading dock and there are these little dog bones that cross it made out of concrete. So thats my small contribution to all the work going on in this area.
 Another picture of the loading dock with the lift in it.
 Watching while we work.....
This is the service/office building. It is in current demo mode. Originally it was suppose to be just remolded and a new roof but they have discovered that the building is in worse shape than they thought so at the moment we are awaitng the word to find out what will happen to the building......no matter what this adds on to the length of the project so we will be here a little longer.....
 This is the new kitchen/dinning room extention. It is suppose to be completed in middle Jan and they sill move in and be fully functioning in Feb for the upcoming zone visit.
 Here is the inside of the extention...what you are looking at is what will be the dinning room area.
 And this is the shops building....still has a lot to be finished before we can completely turn it over to the branch because construction is using a lot of it for storage and a carpentry shop.
 This is a picture of our current crew from left to right is Henrik ( from Sweden), Toni (from Finland), Matthew, Dominic (a special pioneer), Rufus, and you know the other two.
      Before the District convention Jack Whiting left us.....we had a special breakfast set up for him the last morning he was with us......this is our current morning worship table. Sometime in Feb we will be in the new dinning room. So that you know who some of these  brothers and sisters are from 12 o'clock on is Tarnue and his wife Alice, then Jack, Varfee, Emanuel, Nathaniel and his wife Maude, Beniah, and then us.
 This is a family who has just came into our hall a couple months ago...our congregation took some territory from another and they came with it. They are a great family....had many experiences to tell us about serving as CO and DO during the war here in Liberia......for those of you who know Brother Clink he worked with them while they were here in Liberia.


Here are a few pictures of our convention weekend...one of Aaron's studies was baptized...his name is Mechel, they are together in one picture. Then on sunday blue was the color of choice for someof the guys...had to get a picture. All of the internationals worn there best African dress Sunday too. We had 110 baptized at the convention, 7 from our hall. Then the last pic is of me and a little girl named Angel. She is really cute, isn't she?


We had a family beach day the first of October. The whole family was able to go and play and have fun. A nice start to a busy time of year.


We came back from morning worship and saw Diesel stuck in the fence...he had this look of shame on his face. Can't say I blame him, being cooped up in a pin all day.
 This is Jack. He is an IV brother who has been working on our crew.....
 The UN helicopter flys over the site at least 2 or 3 times a day..Finally a sister here was able to get a picture of it.
 Saw this Dad and it made me think of you.....
 Since the warehouse has been finished on the inside we have been working out it. We had 15 of us this night. While we exercise the guys play football or soccer.


Setting trusses on the warehouse. We had to take off the old Roof and pour a ring beam and put on a new roof. Here the are talking oout how to go about things. The building wasnt't square to we had to off set the trusses, etc.

So here is most of our crew and their family.....We had a crew party last Saturday and fired up the pizza oven. For most of them it was their first time having pizza...they liked it but said that they were not used to eating cheese. So I made a few with very little cheese. More for us!


So heres a little Desiel update: He is getting big....he had a little bought with parasites and he started to lose fur on his face but now as you can see it is all growing back and he is still cute as ever. A note to Dave and Jas: He is doing well now...Cherrie has been talkin good care of him and we (Cherrie and us) have been enjoying you porch greatly! We miss you, have fun!

Well last week we had an interesting lunch break.....at around 12 o'clock a fire started in the roof of the construction dinning room. The cieling is just plastic so it melted onto the table and all that was on it. No one was hurt and they figured out what caused it. Wiring to an AC unit. Well luch is at 12:30 and some are there cleaning but as the rest of us file in we see what happened and we had to clean all the other tables and dishes. With team effort it all got put back together.

So here in the Liberian Branch they handle the weekend food by assigning a couple one day of the weekend. With as many as we have here it comes around about every 7 weeks. We just had one the last weekend in AUG. You get to pick your menu, so below is a picture of what we made. Chicken Alfredo, with a vinegrette salad, garlic bread and chocolate cake!! yum!!!!

We have volunteers that come in from the surrounding congregations and these sister below cook for all the volunteers and contracted brothers. Doing it with a smile!

Here below is a picture of our crew. There are a few new additions to it since this pictures. Will add a new one later. so in order from Left to right: Richard, Aaron, Rufus, Mattew and Dominic.


Okay so a really long time ago I said that I would put pictures of our room up on the blog well finally I have done it. So below is our humble abode.

Here is the view from the big window. That little dirt patch you see there is where the brothers play soccer. So when Aaron plays I can watch from the comfort of our room and make sure he is playing nice..... :)
And not that you really care to see it but this is our bathroom....for the size of our room our bathroom is pretty big. Well thats it! Thats the grand tour of our Liberian Pad. Hope you enjoyed it.


Okay sorry the pictures went differently than expected....so please scroll from bottom to top.

Yum!....can't wait!

Here is the finished pizza oven. The above pictures are of the first pizza out of the oven.


Pizza anyone???? Here is the beginning of the pizza phase of the project. Aaron and the brothers in the picture below worked on the oven over the last weekend. It is finished now and the first firing will be this saturday.....stay tuned more pictures will come.....

Here is the shops building...at this point in time it is much farther along than this picture shows. Will get more pictures soon.

Here is the residence building. The top floor will be completed this month and will be moved into the beginning of August. I will put pictures up of the rooms and all the other details....


What's going on? Well this is our Special Assembly Day. They rent a basketball stadium. It has a roof that steps out to a lower roof to allow air flow. Well if you really want a cool seat you sit at the top of the bleachers. Well this day these seats proved to be particularlly cool. In the mid morning session we felt a nice stiff breeze. Well that breeze brought in a whole lot of rain. As the brother on stage giving his talk began to say that he was going to try to go on dispite the rain and wind, the tarps behind him gave way and in blew the rain. So our top seats that you can see from the picture below became very wet. Many brothers rushed the stage to try to tie down the tarps again, after a little while they finally won over all the rain and wind and secured the tarps. Then we had a bunch of wet brothers and a wet stage. So in the picture above there are some of the brothers wiping up the stage and setting up the sound equipments and the lecturn. All of that wound up making a 30 minute break in the program. What a memorible assembly!

This is a new gate that is located near the soon to be warehouse. Here at the branch they receive all their literature in containers from various countries but mostly from Britain. These containers range between 20 - 40 feet. You can see one of these in the picture below. On this container is all the furniture for the new residence building. With team work we were able to unload it and send it back on its way.

Part of the Brothers that you see in the picture above are congregation vounteers they come in for a week at a time. It is a nice opportunity to get to know some of the brothers from outlining areas. One brother that we had to chance to work with is Adjay the brother below. He worked on our crew for about a month.

Feel like a little grease fight??? Aaron and the Project overseer Thomas working on the JCB (a piece of heavy equipment for those who are unfamialiar with the name).
A baby lizard, we see them all around the sight. They are sooo cute.

Here is the newest addition to the Bethel family. His name is Diesel. We just got him a few weeks ago. After a few months of training he will be a guard dog for Bethel. As you can see from the pictures he is really placid. The laziest puppy we've met. He currently lives over here with us at the missionary home. Before he came Aaron and I and Dave and Jas our neighbors worked hard at building him a nice little house and a pin. It has been an enjoyment for many here to have him around. He gets lots of attention and love here.....as you can imagine.

Aaron is helping to set the roof on the shops building to finish it out.

Guess who.....looks like I don't know how to use a hammer huh?