
What's going on? Well this is our Special Assembly Day. They rent a basketball stadium. It has a roof that steps out to a lower roof to allow air flow. Well if you really want a cool seat you sit at the top of the bleachers. Well this day these seats proved to be particularlly cool. In the mid morning session we felt a nice stiff breeze. Well that breeze brought in a whole lot of rain. As the brother on stage giving his talk began to say that he was going to try to go on dispite the rain and wind, the tarps behind him gave way and in blew the rain. So our top seats that you can see from the picture below became very wet. Many brothers rushed the stage to try to tie down the tarps again, after a little while they finally won over all the rain and wind and secured the tarps. Then we had a bunch of wet brothers and a wet stage. So in the picture above there are some of the brothers wiping up the stage and setting up the sound equipments and the lecturn. All of that wound up making a 30 minute break in the program. What a memorible assembly!

This is a new gate that is located near the soon to be warehouse. Here at the branch they receive all their literature in containers from various countries but mostly from Britain. These containers range between 20 - 40 feet. You can see one of these in the picture below. On this container is all the furniture for the new residence building. With team work we were able to unload it and send it back on its way.

Part of the Brothers that you see in the picture above are congregation vounteers they come in for a week at a time. It is a nice opportunity to get to know some of the brothers from outlining areas. One brother that we had to chance to work with is Adjay the brother below. He worked on our crew for about a month.

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