
When the guys after work still have energy they play soccer. They play on the "volley ball" court, we currently don't have a net so its not a big deal.
When they kick it a little to hard this is where it goes.........

This is nemo ( called this beacause he was the last to survive but has since died)

This is a lizard that we see daily. We find them running around, climbing walls, and doing push ups. Their favorite past time is to bask in the sun. (they really do push ups, I'm working on getting it on video.)

The skys here are beautiful.......there doesn't seem to be much polution so the contrast of the blue and white of the clouds is so vivid.

Even with all the rain the bothers move along in construction. Here below is Aaron and some brothers pouring the footings for the new residence.

Here is the septic tank walls. They actually have been poured and the top as well. I will put the pictures up on the next update.

Here a few brothers are pouring blinding where they dug the footings. THey do this so they won't loose the compaction when it rains.

This is the form of the trickle filter. I'm not sure how it will connect to the over all system but when I figure it out I'll let you know. Looks cool, doesn't it?

Sorry about the order the pictures went up. This is the brothers pouring the floor on the septic tank. At the top of the picture you see two brothers who would shovel the concrete down the slide into buckets that the bros passed on to the right spot. Lots of work and not to mention sstinky work clothes!