
Hello to all. Sorry it has been a while since we have updated our blog. Here are a few random pictures of what has gone on here in the last few months.

Finishing the last set of curbs.

                                              This is a picture of a little girl in our congregation named Naomi. At every meeting I try hard to get her to talk to me and smile but I have yet to succeed. The little pink lamb she is holding is from my niece back in Georgia. Her name is Norah. She wanted her toy to go to someone special.

So we had a family day not too long ago. One of the skits was a reenactment of what happens at a construction committee meeting. We embelished upon some of the characteristics of our brothers....all in good fun. ...........Do you like Aaron with Gray hair?


So Jane (Aaron's mom) and Michelle have been here for almost 2 weeks now.....we have tried to show them as much of Liberia and the branch that we know.....I'm sure for the most of you you will get pictures and stories from them. Here is a little bit of what we have done with them.....
Toured the branch and construction site.......

We went out to eat with them at a restaurant name Palm Springs...
Took them to a beach at a resort....played some games and got sun kissed.....
Had them cook with us for the whole family here.....we cooked BBQ sandwiches , coleslaw, fries, and apple pie.
Also while they are here we had our C.A. so we brought them along to experience an African assembly.....
isn't she cute?!


This is the construction family as of last Friday. We are made up of 11 different nationalities. Liberia, Britian, USA, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Australia, Spain, New Zealand, Canada, and Switzerland.
 Every Friday we have 4 o'clock clean up.Everybody stops work and we meet together to get organized into groups to go clean up the site. So at the meeting we take advantage of the small time we have to lay back and relax!
 This is what we are currently working on. Roads. Lots of fun....

 This is the frontal view of the new dinning room/kitchen extension. We will offically be using it as of January 24th. The branch wanted it finished before the Zone visit which is Feb 18th. There is quite an excitement all around the branch about moving into the new dinning room.


We have major thunderstorms here in the rainy season.....not to long ago a brother sat out on his pourch during a storm and was able to capture a picture of the lightning.

 At our safety meeting, resting on the big pile of sand....

 Digging trenches and loving it!
 Making forms to cast a cover for a trench.....lots of fun
 Not all work and no play......