
We came back from morning worship and saw Diesel stuck in the fence...he had this look of shame on his face. Can't say I blame him, being cooped up in a pin all day.
 This is Jack. He is an IV brother who has been working on our crew.....
 The UN helicopter flys over the site at least 2 or 3 times a day..Finally a sister here was able to get a picture of it.
 Saw this Dad and it made me think of you.....
 Since the warehouse has been finished on the inside we have been working out it. We had 15 of us this night. While we exercise the guys play football or soccer.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, great to see pictures from Liberia. Me, isabel, and my husband, henrik, are going there 1 nov to serve as IV. So I guess we'll meet.

    love //isabel and henrik
